About Daniele Gasparri

Daniele Gasparri is an Italian astrophysicist interested in astronomy and astrophotography since he was a child. He was born in central Italy on August 24 1983. He attended the University of Bologna, the most ancient university of the World. He has a bachelor's degree in astronomy and a masters's degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology.

Daniele moved to the Atacama desert to attend a PhD in Astronomy and Planetary Sciences at the Universidad de Atacama, realising his dream to live under the darkest sky of the world.

Daniele Gasparri is also a professional science writer and communicator. He published 35 astronomy books, a novel and a physics book in Italy, becoming the most productive young author in Italy. Now some of his book, became bestsellers on Amazon.it, are being translated into English and Spanish languages.

In 2007 Daniele got involved into exoplanet transiting detection and co-discovered the transit of exoplanet HD17156b with his amateur equipment. From that moment he realised that the exoplanets would be his main research topics.

With more than 20 years experience in digital astrophotography, many of Daniele's photos of the sky are beeing published in books, magazines and used in photographic exhibitions and TV shows.

He hopes you would enjoy his new project and hopes to be capable to show the immense beauty of the sky of Atacama desert. It won't be easy but he will try hard.


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